The Weapons of our Warfare
Every Christian is a target of satanic attacks at whatever level. We now face a new reality of spiritual attacks that influence and affect the quality of our
physical lives. We operate in the realm of faith in Christ and our weapons are not carnal but spiritual.
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'The Weapons of our Warfare' comes to you as a reminder and informant that we are constantly waging war with the real enemy – the devil. It reminds us
that our manner of waging war is not of the standards of this world.
This most important book brings you the most vital spiritual keys to fighting effectively in your spiritual warfare. This book exposes you to the word
of God as it is and shows you the steps to take in order for you to secure breakthroughs in every arena of your life. Herein find outlined the weapons of our spiritual warfare that are mighty through God to the pulling down of satanic strongholds.
Topic Covered
The nature of our warfare
The value of your faith
Overview of the weapons
How to transfer your battles to God
Following God's Guidance
A lot of people are living lives that are limited and hindered simply because they have chosen to walk the path of life neglecting what the manual of their creator offers as guidance to fulfilled living.
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It is the will of God for each one of us to live in and enjoy prosperity. The Bible teaches that we perish because we are ignorant. It only when we submit ourselves to the leadership of the one who created
us that we are able to walk the right path and in the process achieve the best results.
This book in your hands is a perfect tool of the moment to offer you the guidance and leadership you need to walk in line with the ultimate plan, purpose and will of God for your life.
You need God's guidance to arrive faster to your place of destiny.
Topic Covered
You are unique.
Following God's Guidance.
The pillar of fire by night and a cloud bt day.
God's Guidance During Warfare.
Following God's plan for your life.
God's Guidance breeds confidence.
The facts about God's Guidance
The presence of God is our mark of Distinction.
Biblical Strategies for a Winning Life
It is God’s desire for us to have a winning life. A life that makes a positive
impact in this world and one that glorifies His name. The choices we make
each day will determine if we are ready to win or lose. Winners make the right
choices which will always enable them to overcome the obstacles of life.
Look Inside
I believe that the lessons learnt from this book will enable you to be a positive thinker and a person who intends to let God order every step of your life.
Remember that the Spirit of God lives in you and He desires to have a more profound fellowship with you. God desires above all to guide you through the paths of life. His intention is that you may live a full life that reflects His original plan and purpose for your life.
I pray that the knowledge received by reading the pages of this book will usher a new season of success and breakthroughs in your life.
Topic Covered
Who am I and whose am I?
Visions and Dreams
Goal Setting
Possesing A Soldier’s Mindset
Mastering The Art Of Consistency
Becoming A Feet Washer
Prepare Your Axe For Impact
The worry factor
Be transformed